Buddhism is about training the mind

Buddha said that human beings are sometimes a little too much for their desires and they are a little too much selfish. And they don’t have compassion for other sentient beings or creatures like fish, like chickens, or other animals because they eat them too much. And naturally, these animals have a lot of fears when they see human beings because of our habitual tendency, our aggressiveness. I think it is true that we have a lot of fear to the so-called demons or beings that eat flesh of humans. When we hear their name, we have a lot of fear because they eat us. It’s understandable why animals have a lot of fear when they see us. So being peaceful externally means we have peaceful conducts. Conducts in your daily life – when you eat, what you eat, when you talk and with whom you talk … – we have to check oneself and to be peaceful all the time externally. Of course, internally [peaceful] means we have to check our mind all the time [so as] not be distracted by any negative emotions. “Internally peaceful” means to be in the nature mind, nature of phenomena, that is emptiness, all the time. It is difficult, of course. Without having a very strong and genuine foundation, and not having enough instructions or accumulations of merit, it is difficult. Nonetheless, try to train your mind to practice compassion and develop your kindness. There is a way to be peaceful internally. Buddhism is of course about training the mind to reduce distracting thoughts and to be at peace. And Great Peace is about how to be compassionate and how not to have so many thoughts in mind and to be free from all attachments and fears – that is great.

Cited in “The Longchen Nyingthig Lineage is About The Greatest Peace”, Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche

Dagpa Yeshe cites.