Four dreams of master Adhicitta

The meaning of Dzogpa Chenpo teaching is “the secret meaning of non-dual wisdom, effortless, action-less, primordial Buddhahood, the path renowned as the Middle Way” … So, this is the description of Dzogpa Chenpo teaching and Vajrasattva’s request for Vajrapani to teach that great teaching. Then Vajrapani promised to study Dzogpa Chenpo teaching from other Buddhas, then to teach, saying:

“Vajrasattva, who is like great space!
As this is beyond the scope of words and conduct
It will be difficult for me to describe it.
But I shall bring liberation to the yogis by any means,
So that those without realization will gain realization
Though my indicating the meaning through words.”

It seems at that time, Vajrapani did not have the realization of the Great Perfection and he would like to study more, practice more. And of course, it’s a Dzogpa Chenpo teaching or the nature of the mind, beyond the scope of words and conducts so it will be difficult for anyone to describe the meaning of Dzogpa Chenpo. Therefore, Vajrapani also said “It would be difficult for me. But I will bring liberation to the yogis by any means.”


From “If one is always up and down, not stable – that means dharma is not really working”, Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche

Longchen Tashe excited