You lie for one thing then you may have to lie continually for your entire life, because you are afraid of being known as a liar

The negative [force] that reduces the power of speech is verbal non-virtuous karma that we’ve created by speech, like harsh words, lying and this and that. So we need to purify that by chanting these three syllables. We have to understand the ways we talk, because the way we talk is not good – we don’t understand how we should talk. Actually, the way we talk and the way Buddha talks are very different. Therefore, we need to know how we [should] talk. And we need to fix and we need to change and we need to be more sweet. Sweet talks and honest talks and gentle talks. Then of course, we need not to lie, or less lie. But it’s difficult for us to stop completely lying. Because of when you lie for one thing then you may have to lie continually for your entire life, because you are afraid of being known as a liar.


 Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche, “GURU YOGA: The Source of Power in Speech and The Purification”