When you see this people important and that people not important you act accordingly
When you see this people important and that people not important you act accordingly. Then the people you think not important they are unhappy and they try criticize you and you are unhappy. The people you see very close to you, and you do your best to help them then they were very satisfied then bring a lot of troubles. Anyway, it is not actually correct here. Therefore, [we should] keep peaceful mind and mind that doesn’t see so much differences but [see] all the things, everyone is important. If we are able to see this way then our mind is more peaceful, and we are all [in] the middle way, in correct position. So we can talk about our problem forever (laugh). But that’s why we need to practice Dharma, and everyone need to practice Dharma. So please understand strong desires within the world of Dharma. Of course, sectarianism. We are sometime very sectarian, for many things, especially for our tradition and it is also not good. Of course, understand, respect and faith in our own tradition is OK, but not being sectarian for that.
Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche, “We Should Know Clearly What Is Dharma What Is Not Dharma”