It is difficult to comprehend the extent of their dedication to the Dharma
The cold, snow, and winds threaten and weaken everything. However, with great strength of mind and a faith in the Dharma that is as unchanging as a vajra, the people are not intimidated by the cold. It is difficult to comprehend the extent of their dedication to the Dharma. The ground becomes a blend of ice and snow, and fierce, cold winds blow blizzards of snow. Yet the people sit peacefully in the open air to listen to the Dharma. The piercing cold enters their bodies so that they become stiff with cold. Eventually the joints of their body become afflicted by illness, their bodies become bent and their hands and feet become crooked. In the end they are unable to walk properly. Nevertheless they are never dismayed by such hardships and they still come and listen in the open air to the teachings. This seems to be characteristic of Tibetans in general and the Golog people in particular.
“Good Motivation”, Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche