Những hình ảnh lễ tưởng niệm Orgyen Kusum Lingpa tại tu viện Lung Ngon 2019

Xin gửi tới quý đạo hữu chùm hình ảnh và video trong Lễ tưởng niệm Đức Orgyen Kusum Lingpa tại tu viện Lung Ngon diễn ra ngày 13 và 14 tháng hai dương lịch – theo Tạng lịch là mồng 8 và mồng 9 tháng Giêng. Cúng dường đèn trước Đại Bảo Tháp       Nguồn: … Read more

Garab Dorje

PRAHEVAJRA (dGa’ Rab rDo rJe)  is a Nirmāṇakāya,  manifested body of the Buddha appearing as the first human master of Dzogpa Chenpo. According to Dzogpa Chenpo sources, Prahevajra was born to a daughter of the king of Oḍḍiyāṇa, which was located, according to some scholars, somewhere around the Swat Valley in present-day Pakistan.


MAÑJUSHRĪMITRA (’Jam dPal bShes gNyen) was born in a brahman family in the city of Dvikrama to the west of Bodhgayā in India. His father was Sādhushāstrī, and his mother was Pradīpālokā. He became a scholar of al the five scholarly fields.


MASTER Shrīsiṃha (dPal Gyi Seng Ge) was born in a city called Shokyam on Sosha Island in China. His father was Gewe Denpa (Virtuous One) and his mother was Nangwa Salwa Raptu Khyenma (Clear and Wise One). At the age of fifteen, he went to the Bodhi Tree of China and studied with master Haribhala for three years, and he became well versed in the five subjects.


JÑĀNASŪTRA (Ye Shes mDo) was born in the eastern city of Kamalashīla in eastern India. His father was Shāntihasta (Hand of Peace), and his mother was Kalyāṇachitta (Virtuous Minded), in a shūdra (lowest-caste) family. He became learned and went to Bodhgayā, where he lived with five hundred scholars. Among them was Vimalamitra, with whom his relations were very close because of their previous lives.


VIMALAMITRA (Dri Med bShes gNyen) was born at the Forest of Elephants (Glang Po’i Tshal) in western India. His father was Deden Khorlo, and his mother was Dak-nyid Salma. He became a scholar of both Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna.