Keeping samaya pure is the only way to make some progress on the path, to receive some siddhas to reach some achievements on the path
To have a good teacher is very important for one’s education, learning, success and for one’s everything. Once we accept someone to be our teacher, we should respect the teacher, listen to the teacher, we should follow whatever instructions given by him. Otherwise, we become very bad person, bad man, bad woman, bad student. It’s the same situation [everywhere] in Buddist tradition. The Buddist students, they should respect their teacher very highly and should apply as much as one can the instructions and should keep very pure connection between the teacher and oneself. Otherwise, we will become bad Dharma persons or bad students that destroys possitive results on the path and that destroys the opportunities to make improvement for oneself and that really brings a lot obstacles for oneself. Sometimes that kind of situation, unclean connection between teacher and students, broken samaya can be a big cause for one to fall to the lower realms. So one must understand and try to protect oneself.
Then, as Dharma people we have already taken a lot of commitments. We accepted many requests for dharma practice, we had taken different vows for one’s dharma path. It’s very important to understand what one has taken, what kinds of commitment one has made and to protect and to keep these commitments as pure as possible; because keeping samaya pure is the only way to make some progress on the path, to receive some siddhas to reach some achievements on the path. If one doesn’t keep samaya, one doesn’t keep commitments and if one ignores and breaks [samaya] on purpose or not on purpose, then one will really destroy oneself and destroy all the results on the path.
Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche, “Three Qualities a Dharma Master Should Have (Part II)