The Dharma will be destroyed by it’s own people, no external implements can really destroy Dharma

Of course, this is a time of extraordinary degeneration that the Dharma is facing with so much in the way of obstacles and losing its power and sangha everyday, everywhere. Dharma and pure Sangha are disappearing and have disappeared in many places on this planet including in its birth place, India. Luckily they still exist in China, Vietnam and especially in Tibet.

More then two thousand years ago, the Buddha said clearly that the Dharma will be destroyed by it’s own people, no external implements really destroy Dharma. When every individual sangha is involved or attached to material things or worldly affairs, then Dharma will be finished because then no one who has real interest or motivation to do the activities of learning, contemplating, and meditating will be able to do them.

Good leadership or good education make a big difference for the understanding and conduct of people. For that reason, it’s our responsibility to educate and to teach people to have greater understanding, better conduct and more honesty. (Honesty is real gold, real diamonds, real jewels.)

 Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche,  “When Every Individual Sangha Is Attached To Material Things And Worldly Affairs Then Dharma Will Be Finished”