There is ignorance so there is laziness - there is laziness so there is ignorance

I hope that everyone will get the points and understand better and to arrange a better way for your life, for your Dharma path so that you will get benefits from Dharma practices. When I say ‘lazy’, I think we are very lazy. So therefore, we need to make changes with being very lazy. Ignorance and laziness go together. Because there is ignorance, there is laziness; and there is laziness, because there is ignorance. They go together all the time. We may say, “I’m a very hard worker. Oh, I try to work many many hours a day. I make a lot of money.” This way is different from [the way I explain about] ‘laziness’. This [hard work] is more like attachment, so it also goes with ignorance. So “not being lazy” means always doing something about Dharma. Practicing Dharma is “not being lazy”. How much you try to accomplish something through worldly [way of] understanding then it is not diligence. If you are interested in the Dharma, and you are doing the Dharma, you are diligent. And if you are doing the opposite of that, even though you maybe hard worker for your business or for your life, but it’s not what we want. So we have to understand the definition of the nature or the of laziness.


Cited “Today Dzogchen is Practiced by More and More Lay People”, Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche

Dieu Am cites.