We are not able not to lie or not to do gossiping at all

Gossiping is not good really. Gossiping wastes a lot of time, a lot of energy and it really brings a lot of bad things. So no gossip or less gossip. The reason for me to say less is sometimes we are not able not to lie or not to do gossiping at all. Sometimes we still do that. But we should think “This is not okay.”
We should understand that’s something bad and therefore we need to try to fix, try to change how we act – act of speech. Our goal is eventually we are able to avoid lying completely, right? That’s our goal. But before we reach that point, we sometimes lie. But then at the same time whenever we lie, we speak harsh words or we speak something that has no meaning, we gossip, then we need to confess, we need to purify that negativity.


  Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche, “GURU YOGA: The Source of Power in Speech and The Purification”