Don’t push youself too much, but try to be diligent nevertheness
People somehow get lazy, but try practicing Dharma for some time or any time is good. There are some more powerful than others, some are not that powerful. The more you do the better, more effective. And you should know how to practice well. We need to have good instructions and we need to have a good teacher and then we need to have good mind, good interest. If we don’t have interest then even we have good karmas, good conditions we don’t do that. When you have good mind, wanting to practice, to develop bodhicitta then you will do that, try to succeed.
So, I recommend you highly to try to continue practicing as much as you can.
It is important to keep balance. Because when some people try too hard at beginning then they get lazy easily, they get bored. From what they are doing and they get tired. That is not very smart. And then we need to use our time, try to practice whenever one is able to do. Because you have many other responsibilities if you focus on practice too much then it affects your other activities. And later you may regret and your family may criticize you may want to change. Therefore, don’t push you too much but also diligent together. As long as one is doing correctly one will definitely improve.
Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche, “Please Keep This Good Habit Of Practicing”