Longchen Nyingthik teachings are the most direct way, the shortest way to show, to take to the nature

Today the program is to discuss on the short version, very brief text of Longchen Nyingthik ngondro: Opening the Door to the Naturally Present Inner Clarity. The essence of Dharma, any Dharma, any practice is to introduce to the nature of mind. But different teachings have different ways to introduce that. Some of teachings introduce that very directly, in a short way, some of other teachings do that in an indirect way. There are many ways of doing that. The very direct and very short way to open the door to the nature is called profound teaching or instruction, good instruction. Because, not all teachings describe the nature very clearly, or very closely. Some of the teachings go indirectly, go around, around and slowly, eventually take to the nature. Some teachings take very directly and steely to the nature, in a very short way. So there are two ways to teach and to introduce to the nature. And Longchen Nyingthik or Dzogchen teachings are the most direct way, the shortest way to show, to take to the nature.

Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche, “Introduction to Longchen Nyingthik (Part I)”