Not smartness, not intelligence, not wisdom, but genuine devotionNot smartness, not intelligence, not wisdom, but genuine devotion

As a Buddhist practitioner, especially Varjayana practitioner, and even more specially a practitioner of Dzogchen, the most important [thing] is devotion. Not smartness, not intelligence, not wisdom, but genuine devotion. Only genuine devotion can perceive or understand the reality of nature. Because there are many intelligent people who are very smart; they can memorize many volumes of Sutras and they can beat the Shakyamuni Buddha. [They are] very smart and know a lot of teachings’ meaning, but because no devotion they did not develop the inner experience and they were still wandering in illusion of samsara. In fact end up, they are going down and reborn in the lower realms, reborn in hell realm.

Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche, “DEVOTION IS ESSENTIAL – Not Intellighence or Smartness”