Nowadays lay people have excellent opportunities to practice Dzogpa Chenpo
This great secret teachings of Dzogpa Chenpo were kept in a secret way, not taught to the public very much; but according to some of the predictions given by Buddha Shakyamuni – and Vajrasattva and some deities saying that – there will be more people practicing Dzogpa Chenpa and it would be more obviously practiced by many lay people during the time like degeneration times like now and it is coming. The prediction is coming alive. And recently just before I left Golog to come here, they requested me to give a three-day teaching on this great subject written by Patrul Rinpoche called “Three Lines That Hit on The Key” or “the Final Words of Garab Dorje to Manjushrimita”. And there were one thousand lay people and about 1000 monks, nuns, and yogis. So, this is something new and I have not seen that before much, because there were very few, used to be very few, like some people who are very special and very faithful and practiced many, many, many preliminary things – they are the only ones who have the authority to attend this kind of teachings. But now everyone who actually is pretty qualified because of their understanding and their efforts put into the preparation practice [can get the teachings].
Cited “Today Dzogchen is Practiced by More and More Lay People”, Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche
Dieu Am cites.