To Eliminate Self-Fixation Is The Essential Point Of Dharma Practice

Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche’s teaching 12.02.2023, Zoom Dharma Talk 8     We have talked about many things: what is a bad Dharma practitioner, what is a faithful Dharma practitioner because we want to know the essence of the Dharma. The reason for us to practice Dharma is we are being so selfish and our self-fixation … Read more

But At The End, It Is All Of This Lost Game

Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche’s teaching 29.01.2023, Zoom ­­­­­­Dharma Talk 7 We have been complaining (laugh) about everyone a lot, but we have reasons to talk about the faults, because if we do not know the not correct things then we do not know what is real and what is perfect Dharma. So therefore, I have been teaching or … Read more

We Do Not Want To Be In That Crazy Group

 08.01.2023, Zoom   We were talking about how important and how necessary Dharma is for both non-Buddhist and Buddhist people, and the reason for us to talk about this is to understand what is right and what is wrong, what is real Dharma and what is fake Dharma. I think it’s important for us to … Read more

We Should Know Clearly What Is Dharma What Is Not Dharma

We were talking how important Dharma for both non – Buddhist people and Buddhist people. I think we discus quite a lot. Sometimes it’s like being criticizing but when we talk about the benefits of Dharma, why do we need Dharma, then of course, we need the true understanding of the problems of people and society and [how] Dharma can solve many problems in this world.

Like A Fox Trotting Through A Fog

The text of “The Melodious Sound of the Laughter of the Vidyadharas of the Three Lineages” is the brief explanation of the preliminary for the Dzogchen Longchen Nyingthig. This has two parts. The first one is the necessity of contemplating and analyzing the inner meaning of the Dharma. The second one is the main explanation of instructions. In the first one, we there are three small parts.

Samantabhadra is Nature*

So, the first part is pay homage to the noble Lamas. Most of the time, lamas are like human beings, like Tibetan lamas. But here probably, we see Buddha Samantabhadra or Vajrasattva – we call them Lama Vajrasattva, Lama Samantabhadra, and you can say or think that Samantabhadra is a Lama because Lama means the highest, right? Highest qualified Master.

Drink Each Vajra Word As If It Was Nectar

“I bow down to the feet of Surativajra.” It is Garab Dorje, “who is the Lord of the Munis returned in the form of a Bodhisattva.” ‘Munis’ means Buddha Shakyamuni returned again into this earth in the form of Bodhisattva. And “who is the keeper of Vajrasattva ‘s treasury of wisdom.” Actually, of course, Garab Dorje is an emanation of Buddha Shakyamuni; and Garab Dorje was the same as Vajrasattva, because he was the keeper, or he had the wisdom same as Vajrasattva.


The name is “The Sound of the Vidyadharas”, “Laughter of Vidyadharas”, or the “The Melodious sound of the Laughter “, we could say the sound of the Vidyadharas. But the sound is the Laughter, the Laughing sound, which means something special, precious sounds of the laughter, of the Vidyadharas.

Two Main Activities of The Monastery Very Strong and Very Complete

25.11.2022, Zoom (excerpt) (Rinpoche asked everyone) We have been talking about me to teach through the Internet about the commentary on Ngondro. And it is taking more time than I thought, because here is still, let say the COVID situation is not very good and it affects a lot of things here and that keeps … Read more

DEVOTION IS ESSENTIAL – Not Intellighence or Smartness

The inner confidence – when you’re doing something correct; especially meditate on non-conception, like emptiness or meditate on Rigpa, awareness – there are no concepts, no thoughts. Whether you’re doing it correctly or not – you need to have a clear instruction first. Then you have to make a custom to remain in nature