Rigpa is The Secret Path of All Buddhas

The purpose for people to practice Dharma is to purify one’s own Nature. It doesn’t mean the Nature is dirty. The Nature is naturally pure but it is obscured by negative karmas.

There is Still Harmony – the Community Still Continues

Therefore, two things that are important. First thing, the translator has to try hard to have better translation and the best translation, to be better translator and the best translator. Second, people have to have to have respect more for translators. I really think so. Because people do not see the importance of translators and do not respect very much. That is something wrong. If there were no translators, no translations, you do not have any Dharma in your tradition. [It is the] same everywhere: in China, in Tibet in other countries. Because translators work so people have traditions. Before the translators appeared and worked for Dharma, there was no Dharma in Vietnam, in China, in Tibet. So the kindness of translators is a great deed to remember, to respect.

Shitro Practice for the Dead

That means “all the Buddhas”. If you talk about time, there are three times: past, now and future. If you talk about directions, there are ten directions. So talking about the Buddha, there must be one of those three times and one of those ten directions. Basically, “all the Buddhas”, no Buddha is left behind.


So you have received many empowerments this time. I also have given you many empowerments. And of course I know many of you have received many empowerments before this time. What makes the empowerment useful is to keep the commitment, the samayas related to those empowerments and to know what kind of commitments, requirements related to these empowerments, these teachings.

Three Qualities a Dharma Master should have (Part I)

 It’s very important for Buddist Dharma practitioners to have 3 trainings that we often mention: learning, contemplating and mediating. One must go through these three principle trainings, so that one is able to accomplish good result one is trying to accomplish. Then that training, that method we have to use in our daily practice. Whatever we have learned, whatever we have known, we have to use that in our daily practice.

Introduction To Longchen Nyingthik (Part II)

We will continue on the topic that I discussed: general meanings of Dzogpa Chenpo teachings and it is basically the same meaning as the Longchen Nyingthik teachings. I have said there were three human masters, three important, very important human masters: Garab Dojre, Guru Rinpoche, Longchenpa.

Introduction To Longchen Nyingthik (Part I)

There are quite a lot of traditions of Tibetan Buddhism and each tradition has its own ngondro practice. And ngondro practice is important for all Buddhist traditions. Maybe it is not said to be ngondro or set up as a ngondro text but the meaning is still there. As Buddhist practitioners, they are practicing the same meaning that is practiced in ngondro practice. Ngondro or preliminary practice is basically the foundation of renunciation or realization.

If Our Mind is Always Going Crazy, We Cannot Keep the Dharma Correctly

I hope everyone is doing physically and mentally well. It’s almost one month since the beginning of the Winter Teachings here. (no sound) And also a lot of people listening to teachings through internet here, too. (no sound) The number of the Sangha here is also increasing, even though there’s some strict situation [difficult] for the sangha to get large [gathering]. But the people here are very respectful and very [much] believe in the Buddha Dharma.