GURU YOGA – Guru Yoga from Longchen Nyingthik Lineage

This time, the main teaching is on “Guru Yoga” – Guru Yoga from Longchen Nyingthik lineage. There are quite many lineages of Tibetan Buddhist traditions. And each of those traditions has its own ngondro practice. Even though the names or titles are probably different but the meanings are pretty much the same.

Please Keep This Good Habit of Practicing

The An Lac Dharma friends make report to Rinpoche about their daily practice sessions via Zoom/Gotomeeting, every day from 4.30 am, which include meditation, daily prayers, ngondro.

Devotion To Guru Rinpoche – Key To Siddhis

To be able to remove obstacles it’s important to pray, to think of, and to practice Guru Rinpoche, to recite Guru Rinpoche mantra. When one receives blessing from Guru Rinpoche, one can practice without obstacles, one can move on the path without any difficulties.

Instructions For Dharma Practice

So when you visualize yourself, you totally become Varjayogini. You don’t need to think the second of me is here, on top of that Varjayogini, seating on top of me or something like that. It’s not a good way of thinking. It’s also called attachment, grasping. It’s wrong view. Therefore, we need to think: “I am, I am the Deity, I am the Varjakilaya.” When you are visualizing, you should think that way and believe that way. Then slowly, slowly, you eventually will become a Buddha. But [if] you always think: “I. me. I am ordinary person. I am Vietnamese. I am American”, you’ll never become a Buddha.” There’s no American Buddha, sure? (laughing). No Buddha is a citizen of Vietnam. No?

What Makes A Trip Meaningful?

Welcome everyone. Your purpose to come here is for Dharma. We always mention importance of motivation. What makes Dharma real Dharma is motivation. Your motivation to come here is good and you have to carry with you the original good motivation, anywhere, anytime during the time of the Moonlam Festival. That is Dharma.

Power of Manjushri

The ceremony we want to do is called ‘Riwo Sangcho’, which means Purification for local Protectors. We believe that there are some protectors that are really important to protect individual Dharma practitioners and to protect the teachings of Buddha. Some of the protectors are pretty important, but also they need to be done some ceremony to purify negativities in the environment, and negativities within people

Five Root Downfalls of Vajrayanaii (Part II)

So, we must try to be compassionate to each other, kind to each other, respectful to each other. Of course, we can – I mean [this is] the Buddhist view on sentient beings. When we talk about “Dharma brothers and sisters”, this is a very great way of seeing sentient beings and accepting sentient beings in a special way, in the Buddhist tradition. We say because all sentient beings have the same nature, the essence of the mind of sentient beings is the same – it’s Buddhahood. From that point of view, all sentient beings are like brothers and sisters, because we have the same base, the same foundation.

Five Root Downfalls of Vajrayanaii (Part I)

So you have received many empowerments this time. I also have given you many empowerments. And of course I know many of you have received many empowerments before this time. What makes the empowerment useful is to keep the commitment, the samayas related to those empowerments and to know what kind of commitments, requirements related to these empowerments, these teachings.

Viet Nam – 10.2012

I know many of Vietnamese Buddhists, they are very faithful, very religious people. They have a lot of faith, devotion to Buddha, Dharma and Tibetan Buddhism. That means there is very good karmic connection between us, and between you and Dharma. I have been to Vietnam four times and I have seen many many people with a lot of faith, have seen many beautiful places and it’s very nice to see that again. But it’s more wishful to see people with kind heart, faithful people, and honest people again. Being with people who try hard for improving oneself, for being better Dharma practitioners is always very wishful and there is more wish to see that.