Zangdok Palri
Copper-Colored Mountain of Glory The Pure Realm of Padmasambhava
The accounts to be related here concern me, Dawa Drolma, the daughter of Jigmed T’hrogyal of the Tromge clan, a lama who lived in the region of Washul T’hrorn. From the time that I was a small child, I was endowed with a compassionate nature, unbiased faith, and pure vision. My love was strong for all beggars and those less fortunate than I, and I devoted myself to making offerings and giving charity.
Zangdok Palri
Zangdok Palri is in the form of a copper or ruby-colored giant mountain in the shape of a heart or a flower bud. It is situated in “the blue mirror-like magical ocean called Mu-le,” where the Indus river joins the ocean. It is part of Chamara sub-continent and is surrounded by many lands inhabited by rakshas.