People are easy to have blind faith that is not based on study, a good reason, good thinking

People are easy to have blind faith that is not based on study, a good reason, good thinking. But [we need] faith that is very pure that comes from good conditions and causes: to hear the Dharma, think carefully the meaning of Dharma and try to the get essence of that, try to get the experience from one’s studies. So, blind faith is never good and we should try to avoid from being blind faithful.

We need the true understanding of the problems of people and society

I think we discus quite a lot. Sometimes it’s like being criticizing but when we talk about the benefits of Dharma, why do we need Dharma, then of course, we need the true understanding of the problems of people and society and [how] Dharma can solve many problems in this world. So, we need to talk about some negative things about our world and about people [in this world].

Two Main Activities of The Monastery Very Strong and Very Complete

25.11.2022, Zoom (excerpt) (Rinpoche asked everyone) We have been talking about me to teach through the Internet about the commentary on Ngondro. And it is taking more time than I thought, because here is still, let say the COVID situation is not very good and it affects a lot of things here and that keeps … Read more

We need a non-stopping Lineage of the teachings coming from Buddha up to us

There is the mind lineage of the Buddhas, the symbol lineage of the Vidyadharas, and the oral lineage of individuals – these three groups have their own ways of to teach. Buddhas had their own ways of teaching to each other. And Vidyadharas also have their unique way of teaching. And also, ordinary people like us, we have our own way to receive teachings and to teach to others.

They are Masters because of their realization on emptiness of the mind

And then Vidyadharas, of course, means the noble ones, the high beings, high masters. So, this is the meditation of the teaching of Longchen Nyingthig practices. All the Vidyadharas of this lineage are very great, compassionate and have wisdom, and Mahasiddhas, so therefore they called Vidyadharas.

If Our Mind is Always Going Crazy, We Cannot Keep the Dharma Correctly

I hope everyone is doing physically and mentally well. It’s almost one month since the beginning of the Winter Teachings here. (no sound) And also a lot of people listening to teachings through internet here, too. (no sound) The number of the Sangha here is also increasing, even though there’s some strict situation [difficult] for the sangha to get large [gathering]. But the people here are very respectful and very [much] believe in the Buddha Dharma.

Relief Donations and Prayers- Practice for Flood-Affected Areas

Dear Dharma friends,

Following the recent super typhoon, the northern provinces have experienced prolonged heavy rains, resulting in flash floods, landslides, and bridge collapses. The local population has suffered severe losses in terms of both lives and property.


Dear Dharma friends,   🌷 🌸 In the face of many difficulties and obstacles for Guru and the monastery, fellow practitioners have organized a release to pray for the Guru’s longevity and to remove obstacles for the monastery. 🌷 🌹 🌹 🌹 Time of releasing animals: in Ho Chi Minh City on September 1, 2024, … Read more