
A Pleasure Grove of the Jewels of Deathlessness

A Pleasure Grove of the Jewels of Deathlessness

THE TEACHER'S WORDS - The Path to the Great Secret

The book “THE PATH TO THE GREAT SECRET” is volume 5 in the series The Words of the Master – a collection of lectures by Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche in America and Tibet and elsewhere at different times. The book starts with the Dharma teaching: ‘The Longchen Nyingthig Lineage is about the Greatest Peace’. Rinpoche said that An lac (peace) is a very beautiful name because of its meaning. ‘Peace’ is more important than anything in this world: practitioners need to keep themselves peaceful and need to keep themselves peaceful at all levels: external level, internal level and secret level. Rinpoche said that the Great Peace is also the Great Secret, Great Perfection, Great Wisdom. The Great Secret taught in the Longchen Nyingthig lineage is the fastest, most concise path for practitioners to attain perfect Buddhahood.


I pay homage and go for refuge to the noble lamas who have great nondual compassion.
I pray that the root and lineage lamas give their blessing and make my writing beneficial.
Look without thoughts of good or bad at the nature of Samantabhadra,
The indestructible nature of the mind, the state of clarity,
Completely clear of the concepts that elaborate dualistic appearances,
The all-pervading sameness of samsara and nirvana within luminosity.

The Teacher’s Words - The Guru's Oral Instructions I

The Teacher’s Words (book 1) is a collection of Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche’s teachings in Vietnam from 2011 to 2012 and a number of letters Rinpoche wrote to His students in 2009. Venerable Khyentse Rigdzin Hungkar Dorje is a reincarnation of Do Khyentse, a great master of Tibet and a lineage holder of Longchen Nyingthik. In Tibet He is considered to be manifestations of Manjushri.
During the past few years Zangdok Palri Foundation, initiated by a Dharma-books volunteer group, has been sending many scripts of Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche’s teachings to people in Vietnam as well as in the US, Canada, Russia, etc. Many readers have been expressing their love and thirst for Rinpoche’s simple but deeply touching words that go straight to everyone’s hearts. Thinking about their kind hearts, the golden-words collector does feel guilty for the big delay in completing this book.
The whole work of making English scripts of Rinpoche’s teachings, Vietnamese translations, editorial jobs, book design etc. under Rinpoche’s guidance requires a lot of time, energy, efforts and elaboration. This is one of the reasons why the final product has been delayed.
Rinpoche’s words, despite their apparent simplicity and ease, are very concise, with many embedded layers of meanings and these meanings are often deeply context-based. Being out of the context of the Dharma halls, the Dharma community’s life etc. the task to convey to the reader these deeply embedded meanings seem very difficult sometimes.
Rinpoche has once quoted Nelson Mandela’s words: “If a person talks to another person in a foreign language, the words can touch only the mind-in-brain. But if that person talks to the other person in their mother tongue, the words would touch the other’s mind-in-heart.”
Our wish is although Rinpoche does not talk to us directly in Vietnamese, His words, rather than merely reach the reader’s brain, would really touch his/her heart.
In the future, the Zangdok Palri Foundation hopes to be able to send to readers one book of this “The Teacher’s Words” series each year. This book is the first attempt so it may have many errors and shortcomings. We wish you accept these weaknesses happily and let us know your comments so that the following editions as well as the future books in the series will be of higher quality.
ZPF and the golden-words collector would like to send words of gratitude to monks, nuns as well as lay Buddhist devotees near and far, who have provided help and support for different kind of jobs, such as recording, videoing, making scripts, translating, making files, printing etc., for this book to be born into the world.
Virtue! Virtue! Virtue!
May this book bring thousands and thousands of wonderfully auspicious meetings.
May Buddhas in ten directions give blessing and support.

With great respect,

The golden-words collector