Dear Sangha my friend Rajan Sukhdev has been educating, feeding and helping the destitute, poorest street children and families of Sarnath Deer Park India for more than 20 years, she and her family, staff are true Dakinis, Saints.

Like a Fox Trotting Through a Fog

25.12.2022, Zoom (excerpt) The text of “The Melodious Sound of the Laughter of the Vidyadharas of the Three Lineages” is the brief explanation of the preliminary for the Dzogchen Longchen Nyingthig. This has two parts. The first one is the necessity of contemplating and analyzing the inner meaning of the Dharma. The second one is … Read more


The name is “The Sound of the Vidyadharas”, “Laughter of Vidyadharas”, or the “The Melodious sound of the Laughter “, we could say the sound of the Vidyadharas. But the sound is the Laughter, the Laughing sound, which means something special, precious sounds of the laughter, of the Vidyadharas.

The practice Amitayus

Dear Dharma firends,

🌸 🌻Rinpoche”s message to you: “We will recite the mantra of Amitayus for an other 20 days.” So send to you the video of the Rinpoche’s teaching about this practice in the USA translated by Peter Alan Robert.