Vajrapani Practice and Corona Epidemic (Part I)

Because of this new infectious disease that is spreading in China, it affects a lot of people, people’s lives and people’s mood and a lot of things. and, we are practicing Buddha Dharma, specifically in our monastery we are practicing or we have been practicing wrathful form of [Vajrapani], treasure of Lama Sang reciting the mantra of this sadhana: HUNG BENZA PHAT, HUNG BENZA PHAT which is very blessful and very powerful. This got a very good history.

The Mind Journeyed to the State of Peace

“One thing we should understand in terms of the view of interdependence is that each and every phenomenon has its own source and reason for being. And so there is a reason why we have come to know one another so well and become such good friends. The reason for this is the presence of conducive conditions and the existence of outstanding aspirations; we can be quite sure about that.