The Story of the Power of the Seven Line Prayer

And since this is a very important prayer of Guru Rinpoche, a lot of Guru Rinpoche followers repeat it many, many times. It’s a very important practice. Some of the lamas in Tibet today have repeated this prayer many millions of times. There was a lama who passed away a few years ago in our monastery. This prayer is the main practice for him. And he repeated this prayer many, many millions – more than a hundred million of times. And then he has become a very knowledgeable at the end. He did not really study anything. He was a very ordinary Tibetan nomad. But then he became someone who could see through the future. Then when people asked him why he became like that. He said Guru Rinpoche gave him that gift.

Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche, “Guru Yoga: The Practice of Pure View”