Sometimes we need to be careful not to be too smart

Right now, we too busy to think carefully. We don’t have time to think this is good or not, intelligence is important or faith is important. We are not really thinking. In this society, generally speaking, wisdom is very important. “Oh I must have wisdom.” But sometimes that kind of knowledge can bring troubles to people’s life. Sometimes we need to be careful not to be too smart (laughing). Too smart sometimes like cheatings. You try to be sneaky, but you don’t know yourself very well. You think: “I can do this. I can try this,” but actually you are cheating people. You are cheating people and sometimes you are cheating yourself. That is also one kind of smartness but not what we want.

 Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche, “DEVOTION IS ESSENTIAL – Not Intellighence or Smartness”