When one receives blessing from Guru Rinpoche, one can practice without obstacles

To be able to remove obstacles it’s important to pray, to think of, and to practice Guru Rinpoche, to recite Guru Rinpoche mantra. When one receives blessing from Guru Rinpoche, one can practice without obstacles, one can move on the path without any difficulties.

The essence of Guru Rinpoche is the same as the essence of Buddha Shakyamuni. In Sutrayana there’s Buddha Shakyamuni. In Tantrayana there’s [Buddha] Padmasambhava. But in fact they’re the same. Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava, is from the Lotus Family. I’d like to say Amitabha, Green Tara, Avaloskitesvara are also from the same family, Lotus Family. So we can say that Guru Rinpoche is the embodiment of the Buddhas in the 10 directions and three times. Therefore, actually it is enough for one person to just practice Guru Rinpoche.

Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche, “Devotion To Guru Rinpoche – Key To Siddhis”