Vajrapani is a unique method to protect sentient beings from diseases – as Buddhist followers we should remember karmas and cause and effect

This new infectious disease that is spreading in China, it affects a lot of people, people’s lives and people’s mood and a lot of things. and, we are practicing Buddha Dharma, specifically in our monastery we are practicing or we have been practicing wrathful form of [Vajrapani], treasure of Lama Sang reciting the mantra of this sadhana: HUNG BENZA PHAT, HUNG BENZA PHAT which is very blessful and very powerful. This got a very good history.

Remaining the nature is the best way to eliminate obscurations

The purpose of practicing Dzogpa Chenpo, or Longchen Nyingthik, is also to be able to reach the nature of mind. Therefore, we need to study these teachings, Dzogchen teachings, on how to recognize one’s own nature, how to be able to remain in that nature.

Chạy theo nhiều thứ quá các bạn sẽ mất tất cả

Thầy thấy có nhiều người không có hiểu biết về Pháp và Đạo Sư. Thầy chân thành khuyên các bạn nên chầm chậm lại một chút. Nếu các bạn chạy theo nhiều thứ quá các bạn sẽ mất tất cả. Kết cục các bạn sẽ bỏ phí đời người. Nếu các bạn thật sự muốn … Read more

Nature of mind is combined emptiness and luminosity

So, even when we try to see through the mind we see nothing but it becomes empty like space. But on our ordinaty level we do not think that way. We think mind is something real, something that can create happiness or unhappiness. We think that mind is something real, but the real mind is not like what we think or how we see.