All Buddhists have a responsibility to protect their own tradition in order to not hurt the essence of the Buddhist tradition

We need to be very careful; otherwise, the Dharma will be destroyed like it was in India. There, the Sangha went astray, and became useless, due to the absence of proper rules, lack of genuine knowledge, and poor conduct, to the extent that Buddhism died in India.

If the Sangha members do whatever they want without thinking of monastic discipline and the Buddhist people don’t care about the conduct of monks, it will certainly hurt the tradition of the Dharma. Therefore, all Buddhists have a responsibility to protect their own tradition and try their best to do things that at least don’t hurt the essence of the Buddhist tradition, which is the teachings of the Buddha. These teach how to be free from attachment, anger, and ignorance. […]

It’s common for people to naturally like goods and money, and everyone falls into samsaric or worldly activities eventually. The main problem is that these misbehaving monks can lead others to the wrong path. The source of happiness of all sentient beings, the great benefit for all six realms, and the heart essence of the Buddha, is the nectar-like Dharma. But it will soon die if all the Sangha members are consumed by worldly activities.


 Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche, Our Samaya with Lamasang”