Keep yourself in a humble and simple way as much as possible, so that it is easy to handle your ego, your negative thoughts

I see a lot of people are running so many places, here and there, like three times and ten directions (laughing). Then, at the same time, they create all problems from ten directions. And I think their minds are everywhere, all over ten directions and they don’t know where to use their own mind. That is a big problem. I have a lot of experiences [with this kind of people]. So keep yourself in a humble and simple way as much as possible, so that it is easy to handle your ego, your negative thoughts. It is true – when you see more things then, you have more thought of course. I don’t think you see nothing. When you see one thing, you have one thought. When you hear something, at least you have some thoughts. So the more you hear, the more you see, the more thoughts arise. This is not a great way of practicing of Dharma. Therefore, I think people should try to keep themselves less busy. Because if you run here and there, you get distracted actually; and you are not in mindfulness and in your calmness anymore. You get distracted. “Oh this is beautiful, but not beautiful like the others!” You are making a lot of judgments in your mind.

Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche, “DEVOTION IS ESSENTIAL – Not Intellighence or Smartness”