Lotus Corner

The Very Condensed Daily Practice of Orgyen Dzambhala

In the time of unbearable degeneration, when it is difficult to be tamed by other refuges, if you strive in this essential contemplation, prosperity and affluence descend like rain, and eventually you will be liberared in the Sambhogakaya realm. SAMAYA; Begin with refuge, bodhicitta, and the main body of practice. HRIH DZAM; From this time forward, I reverently take refuge with my body, speech and mind,

The Heart’s Dance A Lament And A Prayer For A Swift Rebirth

The Heart's Dance A Lament And A Prayer For A Swift Rebirth

Eight Verses of Training the Mind

1. By thinking of all sentient beings As more precious than a wish-fulfilling jewel For accomplishing the highest aim, I will always hold them dear...

Nghi Quỹ Đức Dược Sư Orgyen

NAM MÔ! Con quy y Orgyen Dược Sư,/ nơi Hỉ Kiến Đông phương Tịnh độ./ Nguyện chúng sinh nhập đàn chữa lành,/ đồng viên thành quả Phật Dược Sư.