Sadhanas/Prayers – Flip book

Sampa Nyur Drupma—’The Prayer that Swiftly Fulfils All Wishes’

emaho, tso ü gesar pemé dongpo la ku nga yeshe lhün gyi drubpé lha rangjung chenpo pema yabyum ni khandrö trinpung trik la solwa deb

Kurukulle’s Prayer

OM I bow down to the illusory manifestation of the blissful Lord, The red goddess Kurukullā, Who unites the variegated display Of all worlds with bliss and emptiness.

The Mallet That Crushes The Demons Of Defilement: A Description Of Vajrapani, Lord Of Secrets

HRIH/ Originally pure, genuine, coemergent, supremely blissful, the basic space of phenomena is free of limits and immaculate, the fundamentally unconditioned nature of intrinsic awareness.

The Guru Sadhana Of Orgyen, The Healing Guru

Namo Guru Bhaishajaye. Homage to Orgyen, the Healing Guru, the transcendent and accomplished conqueror! Homage! I take refuge in Orgyen, the Healing Guru,

Secret Path to the Mountain of Glory: A Prayer of Aspiration for the Copper-Coloured Mountain of Glory

OM AH HUNG VARJA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUNG/ Its nature is completely pure, beyond the conceptual mind, a primordial expanse...

The Guru Sadhana of Orgyen, the Healing Guru

NAM MÔ! Con quy y Orgyen Dược Sư,/ nơi Hỉ Kiến Đông phương Tịnh độ./ Nguyện chúng sinh nhập đàn chữa lành,/ đồng viên thành quả Phật Dược Sư.

The Hook Of Red Lightning

Your vajra body of innate wisdom, free from extremes, completely heals the primordial knots of pain. Kurukulla, may your laughter, the union of bliss and emptiness, repel the attacks of ignorance’s attachment to reality.

The Very Condensed Daily Practice of Orgyen Dzambhala

In the time of unbearable degeneration, when it is difficult to be tamed by other refuges, if you strive in this essential contemplation, prosperity and affluence descend like rain, and eventually you will be liberared in the Sambhogakaya realm. SAMAYA; Begin with refuge, bodhicitta, and the main body of practice. HRIH DZAM; From this time forward, I reverently take refuge with my body, speech and mind,

From the Treasure of Lotus Speech; Herein is the Profound Path of Guru Yoga

Homage to Bhagavat Vidyadhara Acharya Padma...

A Stainless Picture Drawn from the Heart: A Prayer for the Refuge Lord Dodrupchen Rinpoche’s Swift Return

E ma ho! Through the power of the auspiciousness of our perfect faith, karma, and prayers...