If we suspect that someone has broken their samaya, by hearing, seeing or having doubts about them, as dharma people, we must withdraw from that relationship

It is very common, for anyone, to be in possession of rumors. It is not considered appropriate to have, or spread, rumors about the relationship between a student and a teacher. Broken commitments or samaya with one’s guru or root guru must be taken on a very serious level. In the Sutras and Tantras it says, that if a dharma student, or dharma teacher has samaya with their root guru, and then breaks samaya, condemns that teacher, fights with that teacher, etc., then our relationship with that person stains us and must be abandoned. If we suspect that someone has broken their samaya, by hearing, seeing or having doubts about them, as dharma people, we must withdraw from that relationship.

Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche, ““History of the Winter Retreat and Other Related Matters of Longngon Monastery”