Nowadays lay people have excellent opportunities to practice Dzogpa Chenpo

This great secret teachings of Dzogpa Chenpo were kept in a secret way, not taught to the public very much; but according to some of the predictions given by Buddha Shakyamuni – and Vajrasattva and some deities saying that – there will be more people practicing Dzogpa Chenpa and it would be more obviously practiced by many lay people during the time like degeneration times like now and it is coming

The Longchen Nyingthig Lineage is about the Greatest Peace

The Longchen Nyingthig Lineage is about the Greatest Peace, how to achieve this Great Peace and how to see through the Great Secret of the mind. The Path of Longchen Nyingthig, or the result of the path of the Longchen Nyingthig Lineage is the Great Secret, the highest result which, at that, one can achieve through Dharma practices.

To have good foundation is to practice the Ngondro

So, it is very important to build a good foundation for the practice of this Great Secret, the Great Perfection, Great Wisdom. And to have this good foundation one is to practice the Ngondro and to accomplish the 500,000 Preliminary practices like 100,000 prostrations, 100,000 mandala offering, 100.000 recitations of 100 syllables, and bodhicitta and refuge prayers.

Buddhism is about training the mind

Buddha said that human beings are sometimes a little too much for their desires and they are a little too much selfish. And they don’t have compassion for other sentient beings or creatures like fish, like chickens, or other animals because they eat them too much. And naturally, these animals have a lot of fears when they see human beings because of our habitual tendency, our aggressiveness. I think it is true that we have a lot of fear to the so-called demons or beings that eat flesh of humans.