Hungkar Library

A Brightness from the Thangka of Sarasvati at my home

When I was just going to turn the lights on, I noticed there was a light that was glowing from the Sarasvati in the thangka. I went in front of it to stare at the Thangka a while without any thoughts. Then I had a thought to take some pictures, so I went to my bedroom to bring back my phone.

Advice for Self Counseling

In the phenomena of dazzling colors, there are the bright, the dark path and the one in the middle. One who is separated from the bright path, puts himself in the dark side, teaching the eight ways of worldly dharmas.

Letter from Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche to Longchenpa’s anniversary 2019

One can accumulate great merit through memorializing the kind master and the activities of his profound teachings and wisdom mind. It is a special time that one should make offerings and pray to him on the anniversary day.

Rinpoche’s Letter on 29th January 2019

Nowadays, people in all societies all over the world are of appreciating simpler life style which emphasizes non wasting and cleanness. Therefore, we should look upon the better examples of the proper manners and do our best to improve our manners continuously.

The Mind Journeyed to the State of Peace

"One thing we should understand in terms of the view of interdependence is that each and every phenomenon has its own source and reason for being. And so there is a reason why we have come to know one another so well and become such good friends. The reason for this is the presence of conducive conditions and the existence of outstanding aspirations; we can be quite sure about that.

Our Samaya with Lamasang

Human life is difficult to obtain but easy to destroy. Even these very small viruses can destroy our lives. Therefore, we shouldn't be arrogant or egotistical because nothing really belongs to us permanently, only the mind. Yet we have traveled since beginningless time with our minds without examining whether what we pick up from our mind stream is valid.

When Every Individual Sangha Is Attached To Material Things And Worldly Affairs Then Dharma Will Be Finished

On December 20, 2020 Rinpoche sent a letter to His disciples about the problems of the degeneration age, as many people sent letters and questions to him expressing their worries about these problems.

Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche’s Reply to Some Students’ Question about Buying Dharma Tools

If anything really to do with the monastery, I will definitely let people know, but I usually try my best not to bother people too much.

When Can The ‘Running Here and There’ Be Stopped

We have been reciting Kurukule prayers since yesterday. We are reciting the mantra of Kurukule around 5000 times and then I give a teaching on the Kurukule in the morning every day. We are repeating the offering and praise of Kurukule fifteen to twenty times in the afternoon everyday.

The Main Cause to the Degeneration and Death

"Especially in Hinduism and Buddhism, many master, and some fake master, who without any knowledge but using weatlh, taling about empty doctrines to gain fame.

History of the Winter Retreat and Other Related Matters of Longngon Monaste

The main purpose of the interdependent origination of Kurukulla is to protect the dharma from degenerate times such as these, therefore, group practice is essential because it is more powerful than individual practice.

Dharma, Relics, Guru

Our goal in the Dharma is to cut through and suppress fixation on the self and selfishness, so how can doing the opposite —praising and praising oneself and criticizing others—be following the Dharma?