Là một đệ tử, điều quan trọng là phải luôn luôn nghĩ tới tâm từ bi của Guru, ghi nhớ những lời chỉ dạy của Ngài, giữ chúng trong tâm để thực hành ý nghĩa ẩn sau ngôn từ, thực hành những lời chỉ dạy này suốt cuộc đời mình. Đây chính là một trong những nghĩa vụ và trách nhiệm chính yếu của một đệ tử Pháp.

The Longchen Nyingthig Lineage is about the Greatest Peace
Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche [1] Shamballa, 10.10.2023 Lotsawa[2]: Dear Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche, our Guru, Dear Lama Jigpa, Dear the anis la our honorable guests, Dear the monks, nuns and Drama friends presented. With the permission of our Guru, Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche, and with the permission of the organizers with the head – Ms. Tran Diep, ... Read more

Two Main Activities of The Monastery Very Strong and Very Complete
25.11.2022, Zoom (excerpt) (Rinpoche asked everyone) We have been talking about me to teach through the Internet about the commentary on Ngondro. And it is taking more time than I thought, because here is still, let say the COVID situation is not very good and it affects a lot of things here and that keeps ... Read more

If Our Mind is Always Going Crazy, We Cannot Keep the Dharma Correctly
I hope everyone is doing physically and mentally well. It's almost one month since the beginning of the Winter Teachings here. (no sound) And also a lot of people listening to teachings through internet here, too. (no sound) The number of the Sangha here is also increasing, even though there's some strict situation [difficult] for the sangha to get large [gathering]. But the people here are very respectful and very [much] believe in the Buddha Dharma.