Guru not only knows you but also knows everything of you

“Kind and precious root lama who knows me.” The Guru is kind and precious because due to His kindness we’re able to receive teachings and to be taken to the correct path. “Knowing”. The Guru has to know you, because that’s the Guru and you’re His student. Still, this is not only about knowing about student, but also knowing you’re in a dangerous situation.

The most important thing is to rely on a qualified Guru and to follow His instructions

 I mentioned earlier that [Guru is] someone who is able to point at one’s nature; someone, who is able to show you the path to the nature of the mind. And therefore, it is a very important person in one’s life, because for a Dharma practitioner, most important is to realize one’s own nature; and that has to go through teacher’s instructions and guru’s blessing.

The Guru is the most important teacher – other teachers are not able to give us such realization

I actually explained earlier. One student may have many teachers but “Root” means the main teacher. Then come to “Yoga”. “Yoga” is like a union in fundamental reality. “Yoga” is the realization of that happy state. For a dharma practitioner, the main reason to go for dharma practice is to have that realization, the genuine realization. And that has to rely on the meditation. What kind of meditation?