Don’t push youself too much, but try to be diligent nevertheness

People somehow get lazy, but try practicing Dharma for some time or any time is good. There are some more powerful than others, some are not that powerful. The more you do the better, more effective. And you should know how to practice well. We need to have good instructions and we need to have a good teacher and then we need to have good mind, good interest…

When we take refuge in external Three Jewels, inner Buddha and secret Buddha, that means nothing is left behind

All Buddhas can be in three categories: Guru, Yidam and Dakini. And when we say “We take refuge in Buddhas,” sometimes we don’t know which Buddhas. Therefore, we need to have some specific understandings. When you say: “I take refuge in Three Roots,” or “I have special karmic connections with specific Deities,” so you take refuge in those Deities specifically. Then, when we say “Three Jewels and Three Roots” [these are] the external Buddhas, external objects that we take refuge in.

Dharma will soon die if all the Sangha members are consumed by worldly activities

For example, one of the Tulkus from our monastery is always going somewhere, putting anything he finds in his pocket, so he possesses over 100 million of yuan in savings and properties, and he has the appearance of having very little desire because he has no cars, and does not use expensive things. He tells people that “I like the Chinese tradition that keeps as many goods as possible for generations.” He openly proclaims this to people. Likewise, everywhere, people are holding onto so much for themselves, never resting, always running around to acquire more.