The mind is pretty complicated and the mind desires for this and that, too many things, not really seeking for Dharma of liberation

“Bless me so that my mind will turn to the Dharma!” It’s very difficult for our mind to turn to the Dharma. Even though we think we are Dharma practitioners and have some belief in Dharma but our mind is in a different place mostly, not following the Dharma. Maybe it’s in the emotional world, not in the Dharma world. The Dharma world is very peaceful and very pure. Our mind is not very pure.

Guru not only knows you but also knows everything of you

“Kind and precious root lama who knows me.” The Guru is kind and precious because due to His kindness we’re able to receive teachings and to be taken to the correct path. “Knowing”. The Guru has to know you, because that’s the Guru and you’re His student. Still, this is not only about knowing about student, but also knowing you’re in a dangerous situation.