The most important thing is to rely on a qualified Guru and to follow His instructions

 I mentioned earlier that [Guru is] someone who is able to point at one’s nature; someone, who is able to show you the path to the nature of the mind. And therefore, it is a very important person in one’s life, because for a Dharma practitioner, most important is to realize one’s own nature; and that has to go through teacher’s instructions and guru’s blessing.

The Guru is the most important teacher – other teachers are not able to give us such realization

I actually explained earlier. One student may have many teachers but “Root” means the main teacher. Then come to “Yoga”. “Yoga” is like a union in fundamental reality. “Yoga” is the realization of that happy state. For a dharma practitioner, the main reason to go for dharma practice is to have that realization, the genuine realization. And that has to rely on the meditation. What kind of meditation?