Hungkar Library

Send To People Looking For A Dharma Teacher To Learn

Hope every one is doing good with both Dharma practice and lives importance. In buddhist tradition, freedom is very important. There for it is okay to have faith in Dharma or not to have. It is free for any one to have faith in Buddha or not. It is the same, free for any one to believe in this one or that one.

Good Motivation

This good motivation during many lifetimes is an act of kindness that has protected me, so that I recognize that I must have achieved something remarkable in those lifetimes. This is not just something that benefits myself alone; it is an instruction that benefits others and myself equally and so I still continue to bring this message of the power of good motivation to everyone.

An Examination of the Present State of Tibetan Art

The outer, inner and secret splendor of Tibet becomes brighter with each day in this world. Gradually, the people of this world are becoming more and more aware of the unique qualities of Tibetan culture. An ever-increasing number of people from all nationalities are studying and researching Tibetan culture and religion both generally and in specific details. Tibetan culture and religion are deepening the power of contemplation and study and bring peace to the mind.

The Dependent Origination

I don’t have any special high view in terms of the experience and special qualities of the Dharma’s part and bhumis. However, since I was a child, I have had a strong tendency for the Dharma and had an excellent opportunity of meeting it.

Devotion is the Main Cause for One to Only Think of the Guru

"To your question. My understanding for people who run here and there all the time but not want to sit down quietly to practice is not enough devotion because devotion is the main thing to make oneself to believe in the words of the guru and to think of the meanings deeply. It is also the main cause for the one to only think of the guru and his or her kindness and the requests from him or her."

Oh, Sons and Daughters of the Mountain!

Who were the real Tibetans? Were they born amongst snow and extreme cold? Tibetans were a group of eagles who enjoyed the wild games on the forest of cliffs on the high snow mountains. They are the brown wild yaks who lived in the shoulders and arms of rocky and sharp mountains. Oh, sons of brave vultures, you were! Daughters of great wild yaks, you were!

Message of Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche on March 8

To all great woman beautiful as lotus, your nature is bright like rainbow that vividly present in my heart, you all have done so much work and have put so much love for the humanity.