Hungkar Library

The Stallion Of The Distracted Mind Never Rests

Achievements, fame and fortune are like ripples on water, One follows the next, follows the next, follows the next…

Good Fortune and Misfortune

In times of good fortune, we proclaim ourselves KI CHO when ascending a throne. In times of misery, we can't believe our misfortune when we are being stepped on.

Oh, Sons and Daughters of the Mountain!

Who were the real Tibetans? Were they born amongst snow and extreme cold? Tibetans were a group of eagles who enjoyed the wild games on the forest of cliffs on the high snow mountains. They are the brown wild yaks who lived in the shoulders and arms of rocky and sharp mountains. Oh, sons of brave vultures, you were! Daughters of great wild yaks, you were!

When Every Individual Sangha Is Attached To Material Things And Worldly Affairs Then Dharma Will Be Finished

On December 20, 2020 Rinpoche sent a letter to His disciples about the problems of the degeneration age, as many people sent letters and questions to him expressing their worries about these problems.

Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche’s Reply to Some Students’ Question about Buying Dharma Tools

If anything really to do with the monastery, I will definitely let people know, but I usually try my best not to bother people too much.

Devotion is the Main Cause for One to Only Think of the Guru

"To your question. My understanding for people who run here and there all the time but not want to sit down quietly to practice is not enough devotion because devotion is the main thing to make oneself to believe in the words of the guru and to think of the meanings deeply. It is also the main cause for the one to only think of the guru and his or her kindness and the requests from him or her."

When Can The ‘Running Here and There’ Be Stopped

In fact, if one has a strong and real devotion to the guru, it will definitely slow down the individual from running here and there. Why so many people are always running some where?

The Main Cause to the Degeneration and Death

"Especially in Hinduism and Buddhism, many master, and some fake master, who without any knowledge but using weatlh, taling about empty doctrines to gain fame.