Dear Dharma Friends,

🌈🌷☘️ Next Sunday, March 9th, is the LAMA SANG’S ANNIVERSARY. 🪷♥️🌻 ZPF cordially invites all Dharma friends near and far to participate in the LAMA SANG’S ANNIVERSARY organized by An Lac – ZPF, to collectively focus our minds on the lineage masters and contemplate their inconceivable merits and vow:

We want to be a real leopad: aware what is real dharma and what is not

People are fighting and competing, having jealous thoughts and so on. So, the reason for us to practice Dharma is to solve this kind of problem that is created by one’s negative thoughts. If we do not work correctly to tame or to destroy this kind of negative thoughts, there’s no reason or there’s no meaning to study Dharma for practice.