Listen to know how to practice properly – that is important

Kẻ làm trò, điều quan trọng nhất là phải lắng nghe (văn) và tư duy quán chiếu (tư). Phải hết lòng trân quý những gì nghe được và đưa vào áp dụng trong cuộc sống hàng ngày (tu). Lấy đó làm phương thuốc quý chữa lành phiền não trong tâm. Đó là điều trọng yếu.

Remaining the nature is the best way to eliminate obscurations

The purpose of practicing Dzogpa Chenpo, or Longchen Nyingthik, is also to be able to reach the nature of mind. Therefore, we need to study these teachings, Dzogchen teachings, on how to recognize one’s own nature, how to be able to remain in that nature.

Nature of mind is combined emptiness and luminosity

So, even when we try to see through the mind we see nothing but it becomes empty like space. But on our ordinaty level we do not think that way. We think mind is something real, something that can create happiness or unhappiness. We think that mind is something real, but the real mind is not like what we think or how we see.

Buddha is nothing, but Buddha is inconceivable

Buddha Himself said that if anyone wants to fully understand, fully know about the Buddha then one must see that Buddha is formless, Buddha is soundless, Buddha is nothing, but Buddha is inconceivable.