Lịch tu tăng cường ngày vía Phật Thích Ca 20.04.23
Kính chào quý đạo hữu,
❤❤❤ Ngày 20.04.23 là ngày vía Phật Thích Ca (30.2 TL). Công đức tăng trưởng trăm lần. LHQ xin gửi lịch tu tăng cường ngày vía Phật Thích Ca trên Zoom (ID: 773 955 2388).
Kính chào quý đạo hữu,
❤❤❤ Ngày 20.04.23 là ngày vía Phật Thích Ca (30.2 TL). Công đức tăng trưởng trăm lần. LHQ xin gửi lịch tu tăng cường ngày vía Phật Thích Ca trên Zoom (ID: 773 955 2388).
One morning of the 11th day of the 8th month of Tibetan calendar, when we visit some families of Gotsa lineage living around our monastery, we celebrate those who reach the age of 80 and auspicious 100th-birthday of a lady of the Ra family, Dondrub Drolma.
The Great Stupa was built in 1997 by our beloved, kind guru Lamasang, in fulfillment of the prophesies of Vajrapani, Guru Rinpoche and many other enlightened ones. Lamasang’s building of the Great Stupa preserves the teachings and brings peace and prosperity for everyone in the human world.
Oh, Panchen la, the Precious One! The sky over us used to be so vast, bright and blue when you were adorned with the white shell, spreading your wings among the clouds and giving us great teachings like the sound of thunder.
Tashi Delek! Dear everyone. I hope everyone is doing good. And this is so-called Saka Dawa or Vaisakhi. A very important month, very important Dharma day because our great Teacher, Compassionate Buddha Shakyamuni was born, reached Buddhahood and went to Nirvana. So this becomes very important month for us as Buddhist practitioners.
Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche of Lungon Monastery is a lover of the nature – He is always interested in protecting the natural environment. In recent years, more than 10,000 trees have been planted in the Monastery and in the surrounding mountains. The work of maintaining and protecting trees is also maintained continuously every year.
As we know that to remember doing anniversaries of the lama through offerings and prayer ceremonies is very very important for the followers to grow pure realization and to accumulate perfect merits to bring us on the path without obstacles.
This coming 13th, the 18th of the 12th month in Tibetan calendar is the Anniversary of Longchen Rabjam, our great root of Dzogchen Lineage, the Great Perfection Master, one of the most amazing, knowledgeable, high realized Teachers in the History of Dzogchen lineage on the earth.
On the 20th of last May, a cuckoo bird came to my garden and I brought him in my house. After several days, he became very familiar and close to us. But he wouldn’t eat anything that made us worry and we released him. And he quickly flied away and disappeared in to the distance.
At this time, we have obtained a human body that has a human existence in this world. When we have the pleasant and unpleasant experiences of human beings we express different states of happiness and unhappiness. We are like children who wander through happiness and unhappiness, laughing and smiling one moment and crying the next.