Think about the meaning of Dharma
I hope everyone is happy and doing good. Think about the meaning of Dharma in your daily life and that Dharma might be something really useful and something beneficial to you, to your life, to your family.
I hope everyone is happy and doing good. Think about the meaning of Dharma in your daily life and that Dharma might be something really useful and something beneficial to you, to your life, to your family.
The meaning of Dzogpa Chenpo teaching is “the secret meaning of non-dual wisdom, effortless, action-less, primordial Buddhahood, the path renowned as the Middle Way” …
[…] The meaning of the second dream is that his swallowing of Brahma, Vishnu and all other devas was a sign that he would overpower all maras, clearly destroying the three poisons.
So, this is Adhicitta, very important Lineage Master. He was very qualified, and he had dreamed four great dreams. In his first dream: “All the buddhas emanated light rays into the ten directions and the six Munis that guide being merged into him.” […]
Then all the buddhas of three times gathered together requested glorious Vajrasattva to teach the glorious Great Perfection Dharma. The glorious Vajrasattva said to glorious Vajrapani:
The reason for us to practice Dharma is we are being so selfish and our self-fixation is so strong. Too much self-fixation creates a lot of problems. So to diminish or eliminate self-fixation, we need to know genuine Dharma and we need to know how to practice genuine Dharma.
And then we need to create new thing in the mind, something new related to Dharma, new understanding, new realization. That is the reason for us to practice Dharma.
When we practice the Dharma correctly, we become more peaceful
What controls negative emotions is mindfulness. Mindfulness is something that gives you wisdom, it protects you from making bad things therefore, be mindful.
People are fighting and competing, having jealous thoughts and so on. So, the reason for us to practice Dharma is to solve this kind of problem that is created by one’s negative thoughts. If we do not work correctly to tame or to destroy this kind of negative thoughts, there’s no reason or there’s no meaning to study Dharma for practice.