Letter on Longchenpa’s Anniversary

Dear All Dharma sisters and brothers,

It is a time to remind to all of you that as practitioners, we should remain in Dharma studies and practice good action as always.

This coming 13th, the 18th of the 12th month in Tibetan calendar is the Anniversary of Longchen Rabjam, our great root of Dzogchen Lineage, the Great Perfection Master, one of the most amazing, knowledgeable, high realized Teachers in the History of Dzogchen lineage on the earth.

It is said in the Sutras and Tantras that offer to the kind Guru is the greatest offer among all the offerings. As we wish to accomplish some wisdom and realization, we should take opportunity to worship this powerful and meaningful occasion, the Anniversary of Longchen Rabjam, the Victorious One.

The day on the 18th of this month in Tibetan calendar, we will hold a ceremony for Longchenpa’s anniversary here in Longen monastery, also there will be a huge butter lump and lights offering in the evening.

Please everyone pay attention to remember one’s bodhicitta and to think of the kindness of Longchenpa who is inseparable from one’s own Kind teacher.

Thank you so much for your trusty in us and kindness towards us.


Hungkar Dorje 2017. 2 .6
