Letter from Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche about Longchenpa’s Anniversary 2020

Dear Dharma sisters and brothers,

I hope everyone is at a place of a happy and peaceful mind. We here, your Dharma companions, are doing good, and keeping the winter retreat by individually practicing, due to the situation of the new virus.

We will hold the Longchenpa anniversary the morning of the 12th of this month. It will not be as formal as the other years because of the current situation.

The main thing we do on this day is to remember the kindness and the meaning of the teachings by remembering the profound wisdom of Long Chenpa. Also, remember to pray for success in following his instructions and his steps to the most profound awareness, the Buddha nature.

At the same time, we should arrange some offering materials such as flowers, light lamps, incenses, clean water, clean foods and other things to offer to Long Chenpa to increase accumulations through efforts to repay his kindness.

Lastly, May all of you have a wonderful time with your life and your family. I will always remember you and your sweet hearts.

Thank you so much!


Hungkar Dorje

