When you see this people important and that people not important you act accordingly
When you see this people important and that people not important you act accordingly. Then the people you think not important they are unhappy and they try criticize you and you are unhappy. The people you see very close to you, and you do your best to help them then they were very satisfied then bring a lot of troubles. Anyway, it is not actually correct here.

The meaning of human life is to help others by opening our hearts to them
”How do we use it?” The answer from Buddhist tradition is very clear. It is a great way, good way; it is valuable because this [life] would be lost. Therefore, while we have this human being knowledge, human life and many opportunities, we should use it and [know] how to use it. Therefore, it is very important to understand the value of the time that we have now.

Wishing others to be free from sufferings is not enough – we have to put wishes into actions
What is compassion? Compassion means to wish, to have genuine wish that others are able to avoid or reduce sufferings. Compassion means you really wish, from the bottom of your heart, that any sufferings of others will diminish.

We should have very pure, very kind mind in order to have kind and sweet actions
The action should be peaceful action, always requested by the Buddha teaching. Therefore, we have to have a good way of creating non-violence action or karma, conduct. Also, motivation in the mind. We have to have a good mind, so that we can have good action. We should have very pure or very kind mind so that we can have kind action and sweet action.

The mind desires to enjoy meat, the body of sentient beings is loveless and that is the opposite of the essence of the Dharma
The mahāyāna teaches that we should see all beings as our parents and we should always care from them with love, compassion, and the precious bodhicitta. Moreover, it teaches that the attainment of liberation and enlightenment cannot be attained except through meditation on love for all beings.

To recite the mantra is not enough and we have to develop Bodhicitta
To recite the mantra is not enough and we have to develop Bodhicitta. One has to do that not only for oneself but also for others. Bodhicitta is a kind of motivation. “Bodhi” means "enlightened" and “cita” is "heart". “Bodhicitta” is "enlightened heart". What is "enlightened heart"?

We cannot be a compassionate person just by saying words
We say to wish all sentient beings be able to avoid sufferings. But thinking is not enough, we have to put [words] into action. Internally, we're thinking about others' happiness, but externally we should be very careful not harm others. But at our level, we are not able to do so all the time. Because of our [negative] views we sometimes harm others. We sometimes are selfish, we have no understanding.

A human life is really meaningful when we treat each other with sincere love
The humans are considered to have higher or better existences because of the thoughts and behavior we have, just as we can see the difference in thought, conduct, and happiness between us humans and those in the animal realm.