The main thing is you should watch your mind, watch your motivation, watch your conduct
So, we can do good things, we can benefit each other through this technology, which is very good. But the main thing is you should watch your mind, watch your motivation, watch your conduct, which is very important.

We must try to have faith first, the genuine devotion first, then study, then practice, then meditate
Of course studying is very important but even more important is devotion. As of devotion, studying, hearing, thinking and meditation and everything is important; [and] everything becomes very useful and every effective.

Keep yourself in a humble and simple way as much as possible, so that it is easy to handle your ego, your negative thoughts
I see a lot of people are running so many places, here and there, like three times and ten directions (laughing). Then, at the same time, they create all problems from ten directions.

Anger is a very strong emotion that destroys the condition for one to be an honest person
There is another emotion called "anger" which is also the main cause for people to be dishonest. A very aggressive person cannot be honest, because that kind of negative emotion destroys positive thoughts. Therefore, anger is a very strong emotion that destroys the condition for one to be an honest person.