We want to be a real leopad: aware what is real dharma and what is not
People are fighting and competing, having jealous thoughts and so on. So, the reason for us to practice Dharma is to solve this kind of problem that is created by one’s negative thoughts. If we do not work correctly to tame or to destroy this kind of negative thoughts, there's no reason or there's no meaning to study Dharma for practice.

Faults of people with positions, titles may bring bigger harm compared with those of ordinary ones
It is very difficult to have a correct or high realization for those so- called like geshe or high beings or high masters. Then of course, it is very difficult for ordinary people to have a correct or high realization.

Dzogchen doesn’t use any sort of knowledge and it’s a little difficult to be in that nature
“There are those who primarily meditate on the Dzogchen luminosity, which teaches that on reaching the limit of the practice of the subtle mind…” It's a like different people or different teachings have different ways of understanding Buddha nature and different understandings how to meditate on.

Dharma can be divided into three: the outer nature, the inner nature, and the secret nature of phenomena
We can divide it into three things to understand the nature of phenomena: the outer nature, the inner nature, and the secret nature of phenomena. And the outer nature of, for example, Samsara is suffering, and the renunciation taught in the Hinayana and Mahayana teachings.

Nowadays lay people have excellent opportunities to practice Dzogpa Chenpo
This great secret teachings of Dzogpa Chenpo were kept in a secret way, not taught to the public very much; but according to some of the predictions given by Buddha Shakyamuni - and Vajrasattva and some deities saying that - there will be more people practicing Dzogpa Chenpa and it would be more obviously practiced by many lay people during the time like degeneration times like now and it is coming

Our ignorance makes us scared and worried without a good reason
There are a lot of fears in our mind, and we worry for many things. Our ignorance makes us scared and worried without a good reason. Sometimes, we don’t really need to worry too much like that, but [this is] our nature to worry about things.

People are easy to have blind faith that is not based on study, a good reason, good thinking
People are easy to have blind faith that is not based on study, a good reason, good thinking. But [we need] faith that is very pure that comes from good conditions and causes: to hear the Dharma, think carefully the meaning of Dharma and try to the get essence of that, try to get the experience from one’s studies. So, blind faith is never good and we should try to avoid from being blind faithful.

We need the true understanding of the problems of people and society
I think we discus quite a lot. Sometimes it's like being criticizing but when we talk about the benefits of Dharma, why do we need Dharma, then of course, we need the true understanding of the problems of people and society and [how] Dharma can solve many problems in this world. So, we need to talk about some negative things about our world and about people [in this world].

Do not believe in anyone without seeing any reason for one to accept, to believe
But the devotion that is unified with wisdom is even more important. Therefore, believing in real teaching of Buddha is very important. Do not believe in anyone without seeing any reason for one to accept, to believe. Nowadays people do not know something very well but they still somehow put some belief in, so by that people make mistakes.

It’s WISDOM, not the mind, to realise the Emptiness
So therefore, to recognize the reality of phenomena, reality of things, we need to take some training first, to exercise first. It's not too visible - actually you cannot see that through your physical eye. It is not something that really understood by your mind sometimes.

The anger cannot perform because it’s already liberated into the true nature – this is an extremly hard practice
Emptiness is the nature of the mind. Emptiness is in everything. That's the main nature of the things. That emptiness is very pure, because there's no stain in that emptiness. It is not obscured. There is no obscuration for that emptiness because it doesn't contain any stain, any obscuration...