If we try to be dharma politician too much then in the end this is a lost game

Even though you have power, a name, a little fame and maybe a little richness, we lose when we lose our life, everything together. And not only of that, we have to go through difficulties because of our incorrect view and incorrect conducts. But at the same time, as we are too much into these things like this all the time, we don't see ourselves “how it is like”.

Tame your mind first when you try to work for others

It is really something that we need to be very careful. Dharma is only for the liberation. Pure Dharma is the Dharma. Worldly dharma is not Dharma.

To practice these profound teachings, practitioners need to meet high requirements

So, Peace and Peaceful group (laughed). It’s is a very beautiful title and even the meaning of that title is more beautiful and more important than anything else. I try to accomplish it, I try to be peaceful every day, every hour and every minute. At least, I’m trying. We have to try to be peaceful externally and internally, secretly; physically and mentally.

Buddhism is about training the mind

Buddha said that human beings are sometimes a little too much for their desires and they are a little too much selfish. And they don’t have compassion for other sentient beings or creatures like fish, like chickens, or other animals because they eat them too much. And naturally, these animals have a lot of fears when they see human beings because of our habitual tendency, our aggressiveness. I think it is true that we have a lot of fear to the so-called demons or beings that eat flesh of humans.

We have to try to be peaceful externally and internally, secretly; physically and mentally.

So, Peace and Peaceful group (laughed). It’s is a very beautiful title and even the meaning of that title is more beautiful and more important than anything else. I try to accomplish it, I try to be peaceful every day, every hour and every minute. At least, I’m trying. We have to try to be peaceful externally and internally, secretly; physically and mentally.

We should see what is dharma and what is not dharma otherwise we can get lost

“They even go so far as to trample on the commitment there should be between a lama and a student, even.” They should not do that. So the jealousy or envy everywhere. Everyone has some somehow this kind of mental problem.

We see things so important then we don’t care about dharma

“Busy for something” means we are distracted by that busy thing. So, these things, material things, worldly things affect everyone. Everyone is busy for those things. “[This is destructive] in part or completely to their own peace of mind, mutual respect, even belief in the law of karma;” means [one is] distracted by these things then it destroys the understanding or the belief.

Titles will keep them busy and have no time to practice

In China and Tibet, in every school of Buddhism, of course there are “tulkus”. You know that “tulkus” means reincarnation, which means someone more important than others monk or nuns and that keeps the tulkus busy. The Tulku has naturally a lot of responsibilities that keep the Tulkus busy and maybe not to have time ... Read more

These things keep people, like monks or nuns, away from the path as they never sit down

If we see carefully, we’ll see the people or the Dharma people, even the inner people of Buddha Shakyamuni like monks or nuns, are also busy. They are not busy because of practicing Dharma but doing so many other things.

People like us are half like dharma people – half not dharma people

We are not really being Dharma practitioners, but at the same time, we try to be Dharma practitioners, though we don’t really follow [Dharma] correctly. And we are still lost, still under the control of non-Buddhist thoughts that’s not in accordance with Dharma.

A lot of people tried to practice dharma and in the end it’s too much for them and they gave up and they completely forget about Dharma

“Bless me so that delusion on the path will cease!”. When practicing Dharma a lot of Dharma practitioners meet some obstacles and they give up their practice because they just cannot handle the obstacles. For example, nowadays the society is complicated and the whole society probably may be criticizing a dharma person. The whole society can make a pressure on the individual Dharma practitioners.

Becoming lax by following after our mind without examining, we can be fail badly

Over 2 million people have lost their lives in the world and still it is dangerously and quickly spreading. It has not only taken away people's lives, but, also, it has been a big problem for the economy, all over the world.