Jigme Lingpa use his own library, his own computer to practice and he became big scholar

So the great Dharma practitioners like Jigme Lingpa was able to use his inner library. That's true. Therefore, He doesn't need to go somewhere to look for a teacher, but he was able to use his own library, his own computer, for that. Naturally, He became a big scholar.

Reading books useful only when you are really using that to meditate

Reading books, learning, or hearing different teachings are good. But they're useful only when you apply, when you are really using that to meditate. If you don’t use that way, you don’t use what you have learned, what do you have heard, what do you have read, then they’re not really useful, because that kind of knowledge is not very useful in samsara.

Reading, listening and studying is to know what to be able to meditate, to be able to get the essence of that teaching

Reading, hearing different commentaries, different teachings is also very important. But the purpose of doing that, purpose for us to read to listen to study is to know what to be able to meditate, to be able to get the essence of that teaching, to really have experience from that teaching.

The essence of the Buddha’s three turnings of the wheel of Dharma brought into practice – this is the ngondro

Generally speaking, there are two principal qualities of the mind. The first one is emptiness. And the second is clarity. And in order for Buddha to teach people to realize these qualities of the mind He taught the teachings on The Four Noble Truths - the First Turning of the Dharma Wheel. The First Dharma Wheel is basically for the foundation, for the realization of the meanings that were taught in the Second Wheel Dharma and the last, the Third Wheel Dharma.

Being able to see illusory appearances as wisdom is the highest result of Dharma PracticeBeing able to see illusory appearances as wisdom is the highest result of Dharma Practice

Bless me so that illusory appearances will arise as wisdom.

As soon as one recognizes that purrity and able to remain in that purity, one is already in that nature, one is liberating oneself

The instructions of Dzogchen Teaching gives a way to [reach] the nature, to that purity, very directly. And the liberation is not something far from oneself but within oneself.

The two qualities that the Buddha’ teaching bring into one’s life is one thing here happiness for this life and happiness for the future life

Buddha’s wisdom is inconceivable. Therefore, Buddha sees everything, Buddha knows everything. Buddha knows what brings happiness exactly to one’s life and Buddha knows what can cause liberation, so the Buddha’s teaching is most valuable, very very valuable.

Dharma students should be intelligent to understand the qualities of Dharma teachers

The second one is also knowledge. One should be intelligent to understand the qualities of Dharma teachers.

To dissolve into Amitabha’s heart and stay in his enlightened mind is the practice of no-ego

Once you transfer your consciousness as syllable SHRI into Amitabha’s heart, Amitabha’s mind, then you dissolve into Amitabha’s heart, you are not here anymore.

Dharma tames our mind, gives blessing and protects us

What can Dharma do? To make our mind better. Why does our mind need to be better due to Dharma as remedy. As I said earlier, our mind is not perfect. It has impurity. So, it has much chance to mistake.

Listen to know how to practice properly – that is important

Kẻ làm trò, điều quan trọng nhất là phải lắng nghe (văn) và tư duy quán chiếu (tư). Phải hết lòng trân quý những gì nghe được và đưa vào áp dụng trong cuộc sống hàng ngày (tu). Lấy đó làm phương thuốc quý chữa lành phiền não trong tâm. Đó là điều trọng yếu.

Wisdom and compassion experienced is more important than mere knowledge and conduct, even seemingly good conduct that is not based on experience

I and many other people, have seen some geshes, and khenpos who can talk a lot, and are said to be knowledgeable in many texts, but are leading people to the wrong path. Therefore, action or good conduct is more important than knowledge.