Guru Rinpoche

GURU RINPOCHE, one of the greatest adepts of Buddhist India, is the founder of Buddhism in Tibet. He is known as Padmasambhava (Padma ’Byung gNas), the Lotus-Born, and Guru of Oḍḍiyāṇa. In Tibet he is popularly known as Guru Rinpoche, the Precious Master. The Nyingmapas respect him as the second Buddha.

Künkhyen Longchen Rabjam

Longchen Rabjam was an incarnation, or tülku, of Princess Pemasal, a daughter of King Trisong Detsen, to whom Guru Rinpoche had entrusted the transmission of the Khandro Nyingthig. In her series of lives, the incarnation directly preceding Longchen Rabjam was Pema Ledreltsal, who rediscovered the Khandro Nyingthig teachings as a ter.

Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa

RIGDZIN Jigme Lingpa was the incarnation (tülku) of both King Trisong Detsen (790–858) and Vimalamitra. He is also known as Khyentse Özer, Rays of Wisdom and Compassion. He discovered the vast and profound Longchen Nyingthig cycle of teachings as mind ter.

Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje

DO KHYENTSE Yeshe Dorje was the mind incarnation of Jigme Lingpa. He demonstrated the power of his enlightened mind in the form of amazing miracles, and in this respect he was the greatest master of the Tibetan tantric Buddhist tradition during the last many centuries.

Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo

Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo is the body incarnation of Jigme Lingpa. He became one of the greatest masters, in whom the lineages of all of Tibetan Buddhism find their confluence. He became a prominent propagator of Nyingma, Sakya, Kagyü, and other teaching lineages. He was recognized as the rebirth of Jigme Lingpa (1730–1798) by the Nyingmapas and the Nesar Khyentse (1524–?) and Thartse Champa Namkha Chi-me by the Sakyapas. As Jigme Lingpa, he was also the manifestation of King Trisong Detsen, Vimalamitra, and many other masters. He was the master of thirteen lineal orders and was regarded as one of the five kings among the hundred major tertöns of the Nyingma tradition.